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Page 2

  Alright, I need a different way out.

  Turning around, I walked past the bathrooms, scanning above my head for another exit. The tight hallway was filled with couples, all of them kissing and groping each other in the darkness.

  Get a fucking room, jeez.

  Spotting two people against the wall that looked like they were about to get it on, I turned around quickly, and slammed into the wall.

  “Ahh, shit.” Huffing under my breath, I ran my fingers through my hair and took a step back.

  Wow, I am buzzed.

  “You alright?” a man asked, lifting his hand to my arm and cupping my elbow.

  Looking up, I was shocked and embarrassed that it wasn't a wall I had driven myself into, but a guy. As my gaze settled on his face, I had trouble catching my breath.

  His eyes were almost black, so dark I couldn't tell the difference between his pupils and iris'. His jaw was hard, covered in a light stubble, with angles so sharp they looked like they could cut diamond.

  Tilting his head, jet black hair fell across his brows, tickling his lids. Brushing his hair from his face, he smiled down on me, and my heart skipped inside my chest. Thick muscles firmed beneath his shirt as his biceps tightened with each move he made, making my stomach tumble into knots.

  He was beautiful. . .

  Darting my eyes away, I was suddenly extremely nervous, like a school girl in the presence of her boy crush. “Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that, I didn't know you were right behind me.”

  He looked slightly anxious as he glanced over the faces around us, his eyes wide and serious. I could feel the tension around him, like a hot air balloon about to burst. “Not a problem.” His thumb swirled over my elbow, drawing invisible designs against my skin. Lowering his eyes to mine, his voice came out smooth as cognac. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Fiddling with the strap on my purse, I looked down at the floor. “I was actually just leaving, but thank you anyway.”

  Why are you saying no?

  Emery, what the hell is wrong with you?

  Relaxing his body, whatever had concerned him before seemed to disappear as his muscles loosened and his eyes drew me in. Licking his lips, he smirked. “Come on, let me buy you one drink. It can be my apology for almost knocking you off your feet.”

  Pursing my lips, I debated his offer. I had been ready to hightail it out of the fucking place, thinking I had wasted my time and the night was ruined. But wasn't this the point? A night of forbidden thoughts, a mystery man in the darkness to make me feel good, to help me let loose for once in my life?

  What the hell, it couldn't hurt anything to stay a little bit longer.

  “Alright, one drink.” Holding up one finger, I did my best to sound firm in my decision. “But that's it, just one.”

  The man slipped his hand down my arm, braiding our fingers together. My skin tingled, buzzing and zipping with electric shocks that crawled up my arm, curling hard into my chest.

  I was feeling him, all of him with just one touch. Strong and confident, his shoulders stiffened as his long legs strode with determination back towards the crowded room.

  Guiding us around people and between clusters of dancers, he led me back to the bar. Pulling out the stool, he helped me up and asked, “What's your poison?” Leaning against the bar, he stared down at me, wearing a smile that made my brain turn to mush.

  “I don't really have a poison, I'll have whatever you're having.”

  Grinning, he waved the bartender over. “Two Manhattans.” Licking his lips, his eyes rode my body. “You here with friends?”

  “Not exactly.” Hanging my head, I picked at my nails. “Blind date.”

  “Ah, gotcha.” Raking his fingers through his hair, he watched me curiously. “I'm guessing it didn't go well since you were trying to sneak out of here.”

  Chuckling, I smiled up at him. “It didn't go at all, he never showed up.”

  “Dick,” he said, rolling his eyes while laughing. “He doesn't know what he missed out on then. I guess that works in my favor.” Winking, the bartender slid the drinks in front of us and the man picked his up. “Here's to a fresh start.”

  Clinking our glasses together, I took a small sip. “Thank you for this.”

  “It's my pleasure, beats drinking alone, that's for sure.” Chuckling, he turned against the bar, resting his elbows on top. “So, what do you do?”

  “What do I do?”

  “Yeah, for work, what do you do?” The corner of his lip lifted as he draped a single finger over my wrist and stroked my skin.

  His touch was tender and sensual. The gentle motion created waves across my flesh, making my cheeks blush and my sex throb with delirious need.

  Flicking my eyes away, I stared into my drink. “I'm a vet tech.” Pushing the tip of my finger against the small napkin, I moved it around aimlessly over the bar top. “What about you?”

  Thinning his lids, he rocked his head on his shoulders. “Let's just say I used to be a bodyguard. . .” Pausing, his lips pursed as he lifted his cup, wrapping the rim of his glass. “Kind of.” Taking a sip of his drink, he swallowed and I watched the lump in his throat as it moved down his neck.

  This man was mesmerizing. It was hard to take my eyes off of him.

  “What's your name?” I asked him, leaning a little closer to make sure he could hear me.

  The scent of his cologne swirled around my face as he shifted against the bar. Musky and sweet, the mix made my thighs quiver and my lungs crave more. I wanted to lay my face against chest, and breathe him in, letting his aroma fill my body.

  What the hell is going on with me?

  Sitting quietly, my nerves were going wild. My body had never reacted this way before, not like that. The subtle notes of sandalwood filled my senses, making my muscles tense and alert.

  He was so close, I could feel him on my skin. The tiny hairs prickled on the back of my neck as he hovered mere centimeters away. I wanted him to touch me, to brush the surface of my skin with his hands again, to stroke me and massage me, and make my body sing for him.

  Temptation was crawling all over me like a thick mass, eager and ready, needy and thirsty. I was losing control, completely and utterly surrendering to this man inside.

  “You dance?”

  “Hm?” I asked, lost inside my own head, unable to focus on his words as my entire being was consumed by just his presence. I didn't even notice that he ignored my question, replacing it with one of his own.

  Leaning closer, he lowered his mouth to my ear. “Do you dance?”

  “Yeah, a little.” Fiddling with the glass, I took a long, heavy swallow. “But it's been a while.”

  Holding out his hand, he nodded his head. “Come on.”

  “I don't know, I'm not sure—”

  “Come on, don't be shy.” Wrapping his fingers around mine, I let him pull me from the chair and walk me to the dance floor.

  I gave in easily, allowing him to take control. It didn't matter if my brain had wanted to run screaming, because it wasn't in charge right then. My heart was beating hard, my stomach was doing flips, and there was no way for me to stop whatever was brewing between us.

  “Don't be nervous,” he said, letting his lips brush the shell of my ear. Goosebumps darted down my neck, covering my arms as I felt the heat off his breath on my skin. “Just listen to the music, feel it, let it in.” Firm fingers traced my ribs, gripping my hips hard, and swaying me side to side.

  He started to roll his body in ways I had never seen a guy move. His hips bucked as his hands greedily held onto my waist. Lifting my hands to his chest, I softly touched his rock hard pecs, floating them down his corded abs.

  My insides started to electrify, veins scorching like they were filled with lava. I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, or if it was just this man that was affecting my body, but whatever it was it felt good. Too good to ignore, and too good to turn off.

  I needed this, I wanted this. I wanted to feel free and ex
cited, to lose my inhibitions for once. Let the world outside stay right where it was. This was for me.

  Turning my back to him, I wrapped my arm around his neck, grinding my ass into his cock. Arching my back, I felt his thumbs as they ran down my spine, fingers digging into the curves of my hips.

  The music beat in the background, there were people all around us, dancing and spinning. But right then, it felt like it was just the two of us. Everything around me was a blur, a mesh of faces mixed in blackness.

  Rolling to the tones floating out of the speakers, my body was a wave. Sliding up and down, twisting and rocking, sweat trickled easily over my ribs. This man was making me go crazy, creating a fire that ignited fireworks across my brain.

  The mysterious man ran his hands over my sides, just barely tracing the edges of my breasts. Every piece of me was screaming for him to touch me harder and firmer, longer and less controlled.

  Keep going! Don't stop!

  Whatever had come over me, I embraced it. I let it take over, I gave it permission to steal me away for the night.

  Turning to face him, my fingers danced over his stomach, riding the stairway up to his throat. Driving my hands into his hair, I tugged him into my face. Our eyes connected and I did something I normally would never do. . . I kissed him.

  Our lips pressed together, tongues wrapping wildly around each other. I didn't know his name, I didn't know a fucking thing about this man. And right then I didn't care. I felt alive, I felt dangerous, I felt everything I would normally shy away from.

  Have you ever wanted to be that other person? The person who wasn't afraid to take a risk, or try something that might seem scary or wild?

  We all have those thoughts, dreams of being the complete opposite of who we are. If you're shy, you want to be bold, if you're quiet, you want to be loud. There are millions of people in this world who at some point in their life wished that for once they could try on the other shoe.

  So here I was, wearing a glass slipper and taking that step forward, not allowing myself to over think a damn thing. I didn't question his past, I didn't question his personality or if he regularly frequented bars looking for a fresh piece of ass.

  Right then I just lived for the moment.

  Adrenaline purged my veins, forcing any and all rational thoughts from my brain. All I saw was this man, all I saw were his muscles and beauty.

  Pulling away, he brought his lips to my ear and whispered. “Come on, come with me.” Holding my hand, I let him lead me away.

  I had no idea where we were going or what he was planning. And for the first time in my life that excited me.

  My pussy was wet, soaking my thighs in silky bliss. My nipples had beaded, tight and hard, tingling with need. Right then my body was in charge, ready to feel him inside me, to let him have me, to allow him to give me goosebumps and make my knees weak.

  Forcing his way through the crowd, he threw the bathroom door open, charging in with determination in his steps. “Get the hell out,” he barked at a guy who was at the urinal.

  The man gave us a dirty look, zipping up his pants quickly and leaving us alone. My heart was racing as the door closed, dulling the music outside. It was just the two of us, hot and bothered, turning from human into horny animals.

  I can't believe I'm doing this!

  My stomach began to swarm with butterflies as my veins turned cold as ice, making me shiver. Droplets of sweat beaded up on the back of my neck, and my muscles began to tremble.

  Is this really happening? Am I really doing this?

  Pulling me in front of him, he stalked forward, forcing my back against the wall. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath as he scooped my face in his palms. Kissing me hard, I closed my eyes and went numb to everything that wasn't him.

  This was an entirely new experience. There were no expectations, no reason to exchange numbers or talk about what we wanted in the future. This was all about sex, and the intense attraction that sparked between us.

  Slipping his tongue into my mouth, he tasted so sweet, like honey and bourbon. Our breathing was heavy and ragged, coming out fast and hard as our mouths parted to take in air.

  His fingers slid down my ribs and onto my ass, digging in with a firm grip. In one quick swoop, he lifted me off the floor, pushing his waist against my mound.

  Curling my feet behind his back, I ground my hips against his belly. Holding on tight, I raked my fingers through his hair and clasped them around his neck.

  Yes, I need this. This is my night.

  His eyes glinted, sparking with carnal hunger. Throwing his head forward, his lips found my neck, teeth nibbling and nipping at my skin.

  It stung, forcing me to inhale a sharp breath as the sensation floated down my chest, making my pussy pulse. The pain was subtle but arousing, twisting the sharp pinch into a desire that made my clit throb.

  Closing my eyes, I laid my head against the wall and moaned. His hard cock pushed against my sex as he gyrated his hips and rubbed my clit.

  The dress slinked up my thighs, leaving my panties as the only barrier between us. All he had to do was push them to the side and he'd have full access to my most delicate part.

  I didn't know why, but the thought of that made me hotter, it turned me on in a way that made me feel dirty. And I loved it.

  “Take me,” I moaned, pushing the words out on thin air. I could barely think straight anymore, and was lucky to even find the words I wanted to use.

  The man growled, snatching my wrists from behind his neck, and forcing them up over my head. Suspended in the air, with my legs around his waist and my wrists captured in one of his hands, he started to unzip his pants.

  The metal teeth bit the air, causing my heart to slam around inside my chest and my lungs to hold still. I was ready, I was needy, I was excited for him to feed the growing hunger I felt.

  “Fuck, yes. I'm yours, take me.” Biting my lip, my lids hovered half open, seductively tempting him to do whatever he desired to me.

  This was freedom, freedom from everything I wanted to escape. Tomorrow would be just another day, another repeat of the cycle I had been stuck in for so long.

  But right then I wasn't me, and I didn't want to be.

  Chapter Two


  I was alive in the best way, I could feel everything; my chest as the air went in with each breath, my legs as they clung to his hips, his hands as they touched and caressed my body like I belonged to him. . .

  It was amazing.

  The door to the bathroom opened, and my seducer growled. “Get the fuck out.” Stopping, his body stilled as he listened intently, waiting for the intruder to leave.

  Whoever it was ignored his command, and remained lurking in the background. I could make out the silhouette of a man over his shoulder, standing stone still, his breathing heavy and raspy.

  Ducking my head, I tried to stay hidden from view. I was sure it was more than obvious to anyone coming in what was going on, but for some reason I didn't want him to see me.

  Maybe it was a little hint of shame and embarrassment that came over me. This wasn't something I normally did, I didn't frequent bars and run off to get fucked in the bathroom by strangers.

  Keeping my head down, I buried my face in the man's chest and stayed quiet.

  Twisting his head over his shoulder, he barked. “I said get the fuck out!”

  “I heard you the first time.” The man's voice was cold.

  Taking in a gulp of air, I watched my stranger's eyes as recognition filled his gaze. His pupils grew wide, nostrils flaring as he unfurled me from his body. Slowly, he spun around, not saying a single fucking word. He just stood there, his back snapping square as his arms hung by his sides, fingers dangling with poise.

  I was trying to catch my breath, holding onto the wall for balance as I grounded my feet. Closing my eyes, I took in slow breaths through my nose, trying to calm the pounding in my chest.

  “I didn't think he knew what he was talking abo
ut, but here you are.” The strange voice spoke calm and even, and I knew instantly that these two men were obviously not strangers to each other. “He was right, he knew you'd come back eventually.”

  “Turn around and leave, that's the best thing you can do right now.”

  An evil laugh echoed around the room and off the tiles, causing my heart to stop. “Are you really fucking threatening me right now?”

  “Frankie, this isn't going to end how you want it to.” Holding up his hands, he took a small step forward. “I don't want to do this right now, not here. Hurting you is the last thing any of us want.”

  “Hurt me? You honestly think you're the one who will hurt me?” The man named Frankie barked, his tone thick and low. “You know it's out of my control, you know exactly why I can't just turn and walk away from you. I was given a job, a job I intend to finish.”

  “I know, but I can't—” he growled, clenching his fist. “I won't let you do this. You can leave right now, and no one has to get hurt.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” The man laughed, cutting it off short, his voice annoyed. “Is that what you really think? Who's going to stop me, you? You screwed yourself, you fucking deserve this.”

  “Look, if you want to walk out of here alive, go back and tell him I have other plans, tell him I'm coming for him.”

  Let him live??

  What the hell is going on!?

  “I'm not telling him shit. We all have our orders, and boy did he make sure we knew what to do once we found you.”

  I couldn't see the other man, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. Whatever was going on between them, I didn't want to get in the way. This had nothing to do with me, so staying out of it was my only option.

  “Just tell him—”

  Cutting him off, Frankie snapped. “You don't get it, you just don't fucking get it! There's consequences, you know that. You knew that when you got into this, this is how it fucking goes.”